Office hours today 8:30-2:30 Phone Van Bien 250-563-1062 anytime between those hours and ask for Ms. Teale This is optional time to ask questions, tell me about work, or check-in and say hi.
Login to Epic and read books of your choice! Try searching your favourite things!
Class code: kst3407
I am challenging Division 5 to get to 250 books read on Epic before Summer Break! We are at 241
Write in your journal or on other paper
Write at least 3 facts
Reread your writing and fix any mistakes
Don't forget to write during the Summer!
Do the subtraction questions.
There's a joke at the bottom!
Practice adding and subtracting this Summer!
Fill the heart with kind words you can say to your family.
Be kind to your family this Summer. Treat others how you want to be treated :)